Cyclists enjoy this coastal road and kayakers, as well, stop for lunch at this day park adjoining St. Andrew’s Point Pioneer Cemetery. Outdoor toilet facilities in July and August.
This was a summer camping ground for the Mi’kmaq First Nations people and it is one of the first settlements on Prince Edward Island. The first Scottish settlers came to Lower Montague in 1767 and in the 1770s a number of Acadian families were invited to settle.
In 1821 Joseph Whiteman came to Lower Montague with his parents. He went into the mercantile business and began his first adventure in shipping after building the “Annandale.” Captain Whiteman became one of the leading shipbuilders in Kings County. He died in 1874. In the pioneer cemetery, Joseph Whiteman, his wife and son James are buried. James Whitman died June 16th, 1863 in the Armory Hospital at Washington, D.C. from the effects of typhoid fever. He was, when he died, assistant surgeon in the 2nd Massachusetts Regiment during the Civil Was in the States. Source: August 26, 1929 The Evening Patriot. The point was once called Wightman’s Point and many locals still use that name today.